Sunday, June 10, 2018

It's Time to Resurrect the Blog!

It's Time to Resurrect the Blog!

A lot has change since my last post. As I have continued along this path of life I am starting to get more perspective on things including family, sport, work and myself. 

I have never been a great writer and sure as hell do not understand all the rules on punctuation and grammar. These have always been excuses or road blocks for me for continuing my blog or getting my thoughts out there.  Well I now think it is worth the risk! It might not be perfect, but what use are my thoughts if I cant express them.

I thought about journaling and getting my ideas and thoughts out that way. The more I thought about it, the more I debated if that would help me. The conclusion I came to is yes it might help me, but what impact would that have on society. Depression is a huge issue in society today. Like most things we just want a pill or a quick fix to make it go away. Let's keep things bottled up, take a pill and not address the real problem through talking or writing. If getting my thoughts out there helps 1 person in society to open up or make a change then putting my thoughts out there is worth it. Hiding in the dark helps no one!! 

My wife was reading a book recently called "The Saint, The Surfer and The CEO" The Saint, The Surfer and The CEO. Since we were on vacation two weeks ago, I needed a book to read, so I picked it up. I am not done with it, but the ideas I am learning about in the book have given me lots of things to ponder. The book talks about how we need to get back to our inner child. The time in our life and we cared less about outside influences, when we were our purist. Did we really care what others thought of us back then?  I think we did not, but our parents might have. As we have grown up several things influence us on a daily basis to act how we do whether it is social circles, family, beliefs or caring how others view us. I am now learning to look at this and ask myself, why should I care. Am I cheating myself by acting a certain way because of outside influences. WHY can't I just be like that little kid, simply pure and care free. 

 As a parent we are tasked with a great challenge in life. Raising a child is a huge job with no true road map. It is a lot of trial and error on our part as a parent. The influence we have on shaping our kid is incredible. The one thing the book brought to light is do I influence him to do or act a certain way because I am worried how others perceive me as his dad. I am changing him from being his pure self, not because it's bad for him, but because I feel it's bad for me. What a concept!!!! I can't change the past, but I sure can have perspective on the future and  make better choices in parenting that is for sure. 

My goal is to be the best person I can be in this short time we have on earth! This means starting some new paths and outlooks on life. To be a better husband to Kirstin, father to Oscar and a more pure person to my myself. I look to post on this blog frequently and get my thoughts out there for the world to ponder.